- 810 Lawrence Drive, Unit 102 Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
- 1-(805)-581-6800
Michael Crump,CEO
Michael Crump has a BS in Genetics from UC Berkeley and an MBA in Marketing from St. John’s University. His professional career post graduate with Olympus America Inc. spanned ten years and included a series of promotions from Western Regional Sales Manager to General Manager of Latin America and finally as Director of Marketing, Western Hemisphere. He left Olympus in 1997 to join McBain Instruments as VP of Sales. He became a partner in 1998 and was elected President and CEO on January 1st, 2000. He is 100% owner of McBain Systems and has led the company through periods of growth and contraction over the last 20 years as McBain remains one of the leading microscope dealers in the US.
CEO's Mission
To ensure that we provide the highest-quality microscopes, microscope service, and microscope accessories to our valued customers.